Uttar Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Puranas and Tantric texts connect this Jalandhar with many awesome accounts and push back its antiquity to Kritayuga. It was mentioned as Trigarth in the literature and popular as Jalandhar pith enshrining scores of most powerful deities and also famous as an august Sakti-Peeth where fall Mother Sati's breast borne by Lord Maheswar. Its sanctity lured many maharshis, who chose to do meditation on this holy spot, Vyas maharshi, Vasishta Brahmarshi, Jamadagni mahamuni, Manu, the author of Manusmruti and Parasurama  building asrams lived here and were lost in Sakti upasana for long. To cap it all, as it were, it was here Lord Siva got rid of Brahmahatya dosha for killing Jalandhar, the formidable demon after due prayers to Mother Tara. Hence its importance and holiness started at quite early time and continued their sway down the ages.

This Sakti-Peeth occupies a very vast area covering twelve yojanas. There are many shrines built for several divinities. The principal goddesses worshipped here are three - Kali, Tara and Tripura, but Mother Vajeswari enjoys top most priority in receiving prayer services due to installation of her idol on the exact spot of the falling of sthan - breast of Sati. Here a potent chakra of Vajeswari was installed in the dim past. Hence the unprecedented significance. Among other Sakti deities, adored Ambika, Jaalpa, Jwalamukhi, Aashapurni, Chamunda, Tarini etc., are reckoned very potent. The list of Saiva deities include, Kedarnath, Vaidyanath, Mahakaal, Kujjeswar, Kaaleswar,  Karaveereswar, Triloknath, Veerabhadreswar, Nandikeswar, Pallikeswar etc. This place is sanctified by the merging many holy rivers into Pipsa river like Vanaganga, Guptaganga, Sivaganga, Ksheerganga, Neirgan, Vineda, Malini etc. The surrounding scenic beauty turns even athelists into Nature lovers. Is not Nature-prakriti, the female aspect of the highest God, and it is with her union, alone creation emerges?

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About Jalandhar - Sri Vajeswari Mandir
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