Siva Temples In Andhra Pradesh
Major Sections
Temples Of India


When the last yagna one was getting performed, gods wanted to put him to test. Taking the form of hunter Siva, arming himself with an arrow, Brahma formed as planned, chased Vishnu who changed Himself into a dove for enacting a mock drama. The dove sought Sibi's protection from the hunter. The hunter rushing in, demanded his prey to be given at once. Having assured protection, he did not give the dove, but was ready to give anything he demanded. Thereupon, the hunter demanded Sibi's flesh equal to the weight of the dove. Sibi gladly accepted the condition. Forthwith, he began cutting from his body flesh equal to the weight of dove. Although all parts of his body were cut and placed in the pan, it did not rise a little higher ever. He then cut his head and put it in the pan. The Trio then revealed their identities and asked him to name his desire to be granted at once.. He wished for the transformation of his body along with those of his brothers into lingas for emancipation. It was granted unanimously. Then a grand temple was built on the spot of the body of Sibi and that is worshipped now as Kapoteeswaraalayam even today.


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