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Temples Of India


Emblems, by nature represent certain ideas and ideals more conspicuously than the objects they stand for. Their visual appeal is decidedly great. Among the many emblems the Saivism adopted, atleast three deserve mention. They are classified into visual and mental. Ash marks on the forehead is one, and it at once declares that the wearer is a Saiva. It has great symbolic significance. Saivism attaches a very great importance to it. According to agamas, Lord Siva - pati in the role of layakara - dissolution of life snaps - pasa bond, binding man - pasu to this transitory sinful world. He burns them to ashes out of extreme love for this own children. His joy over this is ecstatic and He does it willfully to lifting them from eternal thraldom. As a mark of this, He smears it on his forehead and all over body, as a matter of fact. Saivas are enjoined to smear their forehead as Siva does. The three distinct lines across the forehead indicate one's willful adherence to Saivate philosophy. The three stands for pati, pasa and pasu - the three cardinal tenets of Saivism. And to ! for the honour of it, and its defence, battles were fought and blood was shed in the past by zealots, due to prevailing trends of religion.

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Emblems Of Siva
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