Major Sections
Temples Of India


Next is Rudraksha mala. It has a long legend behind it. It runs - the demon Tripura turned a veritable, Mama to humans and devas on getting innumerable boons from Brahma. Mother Earth accompanied by gods, reached Kailas and wailed piteously before Siva soliciting His intervention for killing him. The pathetic tale was so moving that Lord Siva actually shed tears before them. They were later converted into seeds. Trees that have grown from them are found in Himalayan region in plenty, as it was the scene of action. Weaving them on thread and wearing in the form of mala recalls to minds the Lord's Omni compassion, and it is a mark of devotion to the Lord also. Scriptures, particularly Jabalopanishad and Devipurana have devoted extensive space to bringing out the efficacy of Rundrakshadharana, its various aspects, like number of rudraksha to be worn, places to be adorned, their kinds and faces together with the curative effects of wearing etc. The rudraksha is akin to a multifaceted gem, since it has faces also. They range from one to fifteen and each face has it distinct qualities, effects, uses and the like. The faces, strangely enough represent gods and auspicious things. They confer many benefits like prosperity, wealth, health, mental peace, besides purging of-sins. Moreover, to offer ritualistic worship to Siva, all and sundry are not eligible.  One entities to offer worship only with the smearing of vibhuti on the forehead and wearing of Rudrakshamala. So these two have attained pre-eminence and gained a covetable place in Saivism. They are the signs of bestowal of his grace.

The last emblem is the potent chant called Siva Panchakshari. This has the highest significance and it is mental unlike the other two.

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Emblems Of Siva
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