Dwadasa Jyotirlingas
Major Sections
Temples Of India


It is here the untouchability was totally eradicated in the dim past itself. Narayanbhatt's reference establishes this fact beyond doubt. He says -- "In the Kali age all demerit that may arise from touching the untouchable objects is removed by Lord Siva Himself, who in His boundless mercy takes daily bath in Manikarnika in the early hours of the day for the benefit of humanity. Buddha gave his fist sermon and set in motion the wheel of law here in Sipatan now goes by the name of Saranath.

This universally famous; eternally young; perpetually diminishing; religiously emancipating; spiritually ever-growing; and morally undiminishing city has many more august names that published its glorious past and beckons a visit sooner than hearing it. It was called Varanasi; for, it is an island surrounded by the holy waters of Varuna and Asi -- the tributaries of Mother Ganga; Kasi, for it is the place of supreme brilliance -- tremendous shining, lighting up the way to Nirvan; Avimuktaka -- for it is free from sin on account of Lord's eternal presence; Ananda Kanana; for it affords the highest delight to Lord of Mahasmasana; for, it is here lie the five elements in great cemetery, as dead bodies reach after destruction. And lastly Banaras, a corrupt form of Varanasi in use till 1956 and was changed to Varanasi by Government. Skanda purana grows eloquent and pours down in torrents evidence to testify to the glory of this holiest of holies in as many as 15000 verses. A great honour ! A covetable place !! None can claim any comparison !!!


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About Kasi Viswanatha Jyotirlinga
You are Here! Uniqueness..Pg3
The Glory of Kasi
The Mandir..Pg1
The Mandir..Pg2