Dwadasa Jyotirlingas
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Temples Of India


Hearing this Nikumbha flew into ungovernable rage and cursed that the city would be depeopled -Janasunya soon. The curse ran its course. Then Nikumbha invited Lord Maheswar to settle down here permanently. He descended with Parvathi and soon it developed in all directions -dasadisas. And the Omnimerciful Maheswar began bestowing on all blessings, and demonstrating His powers through several miracles. Infinitely contented Parvathi, assuming the name of Annapurna started offering people anna -- daily food, the basic necessity of man's existence. And lo ! she made her position supremely august and incomparably mighty that her Lord Himself was constrained to come to her for food with a bowl in His hand. This is exquisitely represented in the temple dedicated to her, lying adjacent to her Lord's shrine. According to one version, she represents Goddess Sakti, and Varanasi is one of the ancient Saktipithas. Sakti's left hand fell here, when Mahavishnu's Sudarsan -- disc cut the corpse of Sati into several pieces, when carried by Siva, And it is worshipped since then, and so it is one of the 52 Saktipithas.


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About Kasi Viswanatha Jyotirlinga
You are Here! Antiquity..Pg2
The Glory of Kasi
The Mandir..Pg1
The Mandir..Pg2