other anecdotes too bring out the outstanding sanctity and glory of
this Kshetra. It is here Dadhichi made an exemplary sacrifice; and
it is much-quoted and oft-repeated episode. Once it appears the gods
entrusted their weapons to Dadhichi for safety, with a promise to
collect them at a fixed date, but did not. Dadhichi, deciding to
repair to Himalayas for penance found it difficult to carry them. So
he drank their essence by coverting them into liquid. Later, when
Devendra came for arms to fight against demons, Dadhichi suggested
to kill him and use his bones as arms. Devendra did as bid. Learning
the tragic death of his father, Pishpala, as a true son did penance
and got Badabanalaagni to take revenge on gods. Gods, in order to
save themselves took recourse to a strategy. In accordance with it,
Saraswati would carry that Kalagni to hand over to him. As planned,
she deposited ,it in the sea before giving it to him near Prabhasa
Pattana. That strategy was carried out and it saved the gods.