august seat of Lord Siva has a unique literary flavour that has
fallen to its lot due to the magnanimous part played by the Zamorins
of Calicut, who managed its affairs over many centuries.
Kozhikode Tali - the seat of Lord Siva had the proud privilege of
extending enormous patronage to the intellectual luminaries, who
authored master pieces for the world to profit by. The enlightened
Zamorins shone as Zamorins of letters than the Zamorins of petty
kingdoms enjoying transitory sway over some square miles of land.
Their patronage is second to none. The highly cultured Lords left
behind a glittering chapter in the annals of Kerala history, with
immortality hugging it fondly gave them an indelible fame. The
activity was carried on in the august presence of Lord Siva, who
seeing unseen sealed it with approval. Regular literary banquets --
Vidvat sabhas were held giving opportunities to the men of letters
to demonstrate the peaks scaled by them in the fields of poetry,
theology, drama etc.