is here, Khara installed the second of the three lingas blessed to
him by Lord Maheswar Himself. Several fantastic events occurred here
and they drew global attention, due to abuse of powers by the
Orthodox Brahmins, who exercised unlimited ill-gotten powers for
yugas, but were justly punished when the opportune moment turned up
in the early twenties of this century.
august Sivalinga is quite imposing and measures about 5 feet in
height. It is installed on a square shaped, two-foot-high beautiful
Vedika. This huge, majestic linga, when adorned with dazzling jewels
and colorful garlands, looks extremely beautiful and transports the
beholders to Kailas for a while, as it were. The glare of several
brass lamps burning bright around adds exceptional grace and
heightens its loveliness.