Zamorins, like Janaka Maharshi of Mithila, the Bhoja of Kalidas
days, the Pandyan kings of Sangam period, the Vijayanagara kings of
Bhuvanavijayam times presided over the Kavyagoshtis, Avadhnakridas
etc., to honouring the learned celebrities by conferring titles and
endowing them with properties. Yearly once, for a week this
intellectual feast was conducted during Tulam and it went by the
dignified name of Revati pattanam. And the Tali temple was the scene
of action and the veritable rendezvous of all literary activities.
Moreover, the sacred shrine had certain uniques that raised it to
the pinnacle of glory. It spotlights certain feuds existed between
the Nambudris - temple priests and the ruling princes Zamorins;
it is this temple that accorded equal importance to Krishna along
with Lord Siva enshrined in an independent ambalam; it is from these
holy shrines meritorious Sanskrit works flowed and enriched the
Vedic wisdom, and this ambalam is famous for performing Ganapathi
homam and Namajapam everyday.
lies in the heart of the town Kozhikode enjoying waterways,
railways, roadways, being the seaport and a big town in Kerala.