That Lord Siva To Be Adored
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Temples Of India


Siva Panchakshri Mantra and its Efficacy

Mother Jnana Prasunambika, the consort of Sri Kalahasteeswar, worshipped here in a separate shrine is deemed significant and sacred as the Vayu linga of the Lord. The devotees visit it with unbounded devotional fervor; for, she is, as her name indicates stands for gnana of supreme kind and with a mere look she bestows scholarship, wisdom, wealth and spiritual powers. She acquired such powers after centuries of penance and unaccountable hardships. It has awe-some background, and affords an invaluable lesson to people puffed up with pride of their insignificant traits or virtues. Incidentally it brings out the potency of Sivapanchakshari mantra.

It begins in Kailas and ends on earth here. Among the seven crores of mantras, Sivapanchakshari NAMASIVAYA -- an integral part of Yajur Veda is supreme and the most potent. And everything becomes venerable by this. It confers all siddhis including the knowledge of sat, knowing of which, there is nothing further to aspire for. Knowing its efficacy, Mother Gouri desired to learn it from her Lord itself. But she forgot that all are not fit to receive, much less aspire, or practise. Only those endowed with Sattvic nature are eligible, and they alone can practise - repeating it fifty lacks of times with utmost concentration: Lord Siva tried to convince of her ineligibility, as she was of Rajasic nature out and out, and proud of her blooming beauty and transitory charms. . So undeserving. When her adamancy reached the peak, Lord Siva cursed her to turn ugly and wander on earth with every conceivable misery attending on her. Her tearful prayers for redemption melted the All-merciful Lord and He directed her to go the Kalahasti for doing penance, and only then she would be fit to receive that all potent mantra.


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