Temples For The Triple Sects
Major Sections
Temples Of India



In the innermost part, there is found a big size black image of 1'illayarappa in sitting posture decorated with garlands. And at the top of the head there is placed a red flower to indicate the mark made by the crowbar, used for deepening the well which alone unearthed this priceless treasure for the benefit of mankind and welfare of the world. Offering various ritualistic prayers, you emerge feeling your soul overflowing with devotion; for, you realise that the highest judge of humanity has seen your inside with his invisible eyes and purged you of your sins with his Amrutha hastas. Surely you have now come to five under his all-protective umbrella. None needs any doubt, nor feels his visit a waste, if he worships this Pillayarappa with devout heart. Every visitor rather determines to visit timeless for receiving full anugrah. Such is the atmosphere charged with Vinayaka mahima that lifts your heart and places you at the holy feet of Bhagawan.


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