The emergence of this much-hallowed Gopala
Ganapathy temple has a fascinating background. Among the ,
insignificant and petty mounds of boulders, forming the lower
part of a hillock near Farmagudi, this holy image lay for
centuries unrecognized and unadored. It so happened some herds-men
during their grazing of their cattle, found this strange shaped stone piece
unlike others in the heap. They fancied to lift it up for closer examination, as
it resembled some human form. On observing it, viewing from all angles, removing
the rust and dust, they inferred that it was Ganapathy image. Their reverence
for the Ganapathy at once dawned and they brought it carefully to the village.
The village heads deeming it a fortune unsought for installed it in an
improvised thatched shed with rituals due. When due prayers were offered, that
Lord Ganesh was pleased to grant their prayers lavishly more than their
expectation. His fame mounted up and spread far and near. Many humanist
philanthropists came forward to build a befitting shrine for this wish-yielding
tree-Kalpadhruma. It was in 1966, a grand shrine with garbha griha and spacious
hall in front was built adding a mahadwara surmounting a modest tower. With
elaborate ritualistic prayers, the image was consecrated by eminent priests
attended by thousands of devotees. Since it was found and adored by Gopalas -
the cow - herds, it was appropriately named Gopala Ganapathi. He is deemed a
powerful deity and fulfills all desires and so became a much sought after god in
this small territory.
lies 21 km off Panaji in a little village, called Farmagudi, accessible by bus.