Man or God, here below on earth, or there up in heaven utters first the
name of Vinayaka, whenever anything auspicious is undertaken, or at its very
proposal even. Even the Supreme TRIO honour this tradition and set example
by sincere adherence. The good old injunction is - "Aadou Pujyo
Ganadhipah". So none thinks of commencing any work, whatsoever may be
its size or significance, without invoking the blessings of Ganesh; nothing
begins without proper supplication, even if the muhurt is fixed in nights; no
function for public benefit or 'personal advancement is inaugurated without
offering prayers to this Vighna Vinayaka, the remover of obstacles; not even an
illiterate, particularly Hindu, living far off, say in caves or valleys ever dares
taking up any venture of importance without mentally seeking the
benedictions of this Gajanana; neither the theist, nor spec tic remains static
without bowing physically or mentally, if ever this Lambodara's image greets
the eyes; from the highest divinity including his parents down to the lowest
imbecile never willingly bypasses the powers of this Ganapathi.