a view to screen gods from Tripura's atrocities, Ganesh disguised as brahmin met
Tripura and incited him to seize' Chinthamani, the most potent jewel from Lord
Maheswar for his total and eternal dictatorship over the universes. Egoistic
Tripura went to Maheswar and attempted to take it. On refusal terrible war
between Maheswar and Tripura ensued. The war began with the Mukkotidevatas on
Maheswar's side except Ganesh, who was forgotten at that moment due to hectic
hurry with which it was conceived and commenced. Alas! the chariot of Maheswar
broke down and the axle was shattered. Would not Vighna raise its head, when its
master is derecognised and unadored duly? So Maheswar could not accomplish his
desire, nor the gods were released from Tripura's torturous rule. Narada
appearing on the scene gave the reason for the failure and advised Maheswar to
adore Ganesh and restart the war.
Maheswar won the compassion of Ganesh with penance in Dandakaranya. Ganesh
emerging from the face of Maheswar with five faces, ten hands and moon on the
crest advised him to chant his Bijuakshara mantra before aiming at the Tripura's
triple cities. Victory crowned his efforts, when he implemented the advice of
Ganesh. And Gods were happy.