a mark of gratitude, Lord Maheswar built a temple for Vinayaka at the place
where the war was waged. It was an imposing temple, started luring devotees and
duhkarthis in unending numbers endlessly. Soon the place grew into a big city
and went by the name of Manipur. As the presiding deity was installed and adored
by Lord of Kailas himself, he was called Maha Ganapathi. The unending influx of
pilgrims and devotees visiting throughout the rear speaks of its ineffable
glory. Nityanaimithika worship is offered with unprecedented devotional fervor.
Among the annual festivals, Tripuri Pournima falling on Karthika Purnima is
celebrated on a grand scale, because it was on that day Tripura merged in,, Lord
Maheswar after death. It is on par with Ganesh Chaturthi and on this occasion
Siva is adored with equal fervor. Firing of crackers and fighting rows of lamps
mark the day and heightens its glory. Rajangoan virtually turns into a
Bhukailas. Lakes of devotees visit and offer ritualistic prayers with great
is on the Poona - Ahmedabad road, accessible by four wheelers.