This is an independent separate Vinayaka temple built
on the way uphill to Yelathur Kanda Peruman temple.
Though the devotees take trips to this hill to avail the darsan
of the most popular Lord Kanda Peruman, they worship
Vinayaka in this temple invariably, since it is on the way, and
also the archamurti is the elder brother of Subrahmanya. Moreover, he is the first God to be propitiated for every auspicious
undertaking and hence this is an additional advantage unsought for. Aren't the
devotees fortunate to have two flowers at a single pick? Of course in every
Saivate temple, Vinayaka's image is invariably found, but here there is a
difference. It is out and out an independent temple and worship is offered
independent of any other adorable deity. Everyday devotes first worship is
received by him only. Thus, this hill temple is blessing the devotees with the
darsan of the two most revered brothers-the darling children of Gouri Shankar
It is in Sarpavaran, a village in the Tiruvannamalai district, accessible
by bus.