ancient renowned stadium, demonstrating to the world the Bhujangatrasa Nritya of
Lord Maheswar is also feasting the eyes of the devotees, the splendour of his
mighty' son - Vinayaka and his mahima. There are scores of mini-shrines
installed with the august icons of Saivate, Vaishnavate, Sakteya gods and
goddesses and they are
worshipped with utmost devotion. Around the sanctum sanctorum and in the second
and third prakaras, one can see the most highest divinities giving darsan and
lifting the saranarthas on ardent prayers.
the vast first prakara near the southern gate there lies a beautifully built
mandap for the exclusive adoration of Vinayaka. It is a single-celled shrine
with garbha griha and a vast open hall in the front with provision for
pradakshana marga. The holy image of Vinayaka in standing posture facing east
gives darsan, when the devotees circumambulating the main mandir in the first
prakara, and fills their eyes and souls with its immense size and excellent
craftsmanship. It is about ten feet in height and impresses the devotees with a
characteristic serenity that bends the heads of the visitors. The decoration
with garlands and jewels elevates the viewers, and devotees offer soulful
prayers standing in front of such big size Ganapathy. The priest offers
elaborate prayers daily, and the occasional prayer services are carried on with
due veneration. Even if one wants to bypass this shrine in their hurry to see
the Siva Peruman in dancing posture, the immensity of the size and excellency of
sculpture beckon devotees for darsan. That is his glory and that wrings
is in Chidambaram, a famous pilgrim town in Tamilnadu, accessible by bus and