The legends
of this kshetra envisage the glory of Lord Maheswar and the power of devotion
through the life of Sundaramurti Nayanar. And it is here Muruga worshipped Siva,
his father before undertaking hazardous military campaign against the powerful
demons. The Muruga sannidhi faces west and it enshrining an exquisite image of
twelve armed Muruga with his vehicle peacock. The garbha griha contains the very
same linga adored by Muruga. So on entering, the devotees avail the darsan of
father and son at one place and worship them soulfully. The temple Pushkarini is
called Shanmuga thirtha, materialized by Muruga with his powerful weapon for
offering abhishek to his father. So held very holy. There are two more - Gnana
thirtha and Agni thirtha in the same compound used for sacred bath There is a
separate Vinayaka sannidhi and just opposite this, there is a big hole with a
bizzare legend. It is said that water flows from it once in twelve years, and
then visit huge crowds worship Ganesha and sip that sacred thirtha. There is
another awe-some legend about this Lord. There are three statues Sundarar
depicting his loss of money and obtaining it later with the infinite mercy of
Siva Peruman. Nityanaimithika worship offered with great devotional fervour. It
is a unique holy kshetra for the three highest deities. Hence unending streams of devotee. round the year.
It is 8 km off
Tirupur and accessible by bus.