Temples For The Triple Sects
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Its tower too is quite unimposing in stature, nor the sculptor's artistry is matching to the ineffable glory of the Lord Suryanarayana Swamy, who materialised the divine union of the highest God with the wealthiest Goddess. It is a single celled diminutive shrine with a modest hall in front akin to mukhamandap in the big South Indian temples. The Lord's icon made of black granite is superbly sculptured and it is in standing posture facing west. The artistic make up with dazzling jewels and colourful garlands heighten the divine sublimity of the archamurti and wrings veneration, whoever enters the hall. Alas! majority of visitors in their craze for the darsan of the Goddess Ala'melumanga Tayar either by-pass, or forget to pay due obeisance to this Lord. This sad neglect is neither excusable nor commendable. Perhaps, inadequate publicity too is adding its weight to this sorry state of neglect. Nityanaimithika worship is offered with elaborate rituals. A-a there are very few Sun temples extant in the entire Bharat, proper propagation is quite indispensable. Authorities must identify this aspect, and if proper steps are taken, this will reach the pinnacle of glory unknown to itself.

It is 4 km off Tirupathi, accessible by town bus or auto.


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