Aren't the animal kingdom, vegetation and
mankind have their birth and growth due to him only? He is equated with the highest TRIO along
with Subrahmanya and Ashtadikpalakas. So he is invoked on all auspicious functions such as
Yagnayagas. In the Sandhya Vandan. it is said that he is the most powerful God in Surya mandal
and is on par with Sri Mahavishnu. "Adithya Hridaya" brings out the significance of his high office
and the powers he embodies in himself. Has it not become instrumental in killing
Ravana, the ten headed demon , arch Villain of Dharma and abductor of Mother Sita? Maharshi Agasthya realising
the disastrous critical position that Rama was placed in, met him during the war against
Lankadhipathi and counselled him to chant this potent mantra after achamana - traditional
sipping of water. It was then alone Rama scored victory and killed his formidable foe -
This chant has mani-fold powers. besides killing enemies, like restoring mental peace, eradicating
physical maladies, increasing span of life etc.
Of the most potent mantras. Gayatri stands foremost and It is an invocation to the
Sun god only. Hence the initiation ceremony of every dwija - twice-born boy begins with this and, he is
enjoined to recite it during pratyusha - morning and pradosha - evening. Offering prayers to the
Sun God - Suryanamaskars is an age-old tradition inherited to every athlete and it makes him hate
and bold. besides obtaining his anugrah. He finds place in the Panchayatana deities - viz. Siva.
Sakti, Vishnu, Ganesha and Surya and also in the six principal sects of Hinduism as classified by
Adi Sankara. In fine, His non-panel eminence is manifested in his presence as the clearest natural
phenomenon visible to the naked eye in the sky.