at the conclusion, the Thampuran saw the divine hand extended to
bless him. At once, he gave away his kingdom to the Lord and ruled
the country as god's vice - regent, assuming the sublime name of
Devanarayan. Besides, he proclaimed that his successors too would
follow suit. In fact, they kept up the word. Unfortunately, after
Thampuran's demise, when Marthanda Varma defeated the last ruler he
surrendered himself to the victor after placing the keys of treasury
and granary at the feet of Lord Parthasarathi.
was the proclamation! Nobler was the implementation!! And noblest
was the tradition they left behind!!! Krishnalilas are strange. This
deity thus became superior politically and spiritually too. And he
protected the sanctity of Lord Guruvayurappan image during the
invasion of Tippu Sultan in 1790 too. The priests of Guruvayur
temple realizing the infinite powers of the Lord brought
Balakrishna's image for safe custody and concealed it in a room. It
remained safe, and to mark this, the spot is called
Guruvayupurambalam. Devotees pray to this place too.