Of the glorious roles played by Srikrishna Bhagawan, the role of the
celebrated charioteer alone sheds adequate light on his multi-facted
personality, particularly that facet of statecraft that will
live a full life for ever and ever and ever. It is on the kurukshetra battle
ground alone Bhagavadgita - the song celestial - the Bible of Humanity emerged
acid fulfilled the purpose of his incarnation.
It is here he revealed himself in
the role of Gitacharya to inspire mankind to stick on the twin ideals of action
and renunciation - the two eyes of Hinduism; it is here besides driving the
chariot, he jumped into the battle field in his fiercest aspect to set limits to
human invincibility that must bend before that Omnipotent, who creates,
operates, and destroys all the earthly superlatives.