Seeing the unusual beauty
of that highest divinity, Bhishma prayed in such ecstatic rapture that it is
adorning the literature with a unique grace. He welcomed Krishna to severe his
head, since he knew that death at the hands of Bhagavan is nothing but instant
salvation. Just then Arjuna rushing to Srikrishna appealed to withdraw, for it
was his duty to fight, and Krishna's to drive the chariot as agreed upon in the
beginning. If krishna were to kill, both of them would become laughing stock for
not keeping up their word, though they were the only fittest persons.
The form
of the jumping Krishna from chariot with Sudarsan in his hand is captivating and
that very same form is captured in the archamurthi of this temple. The
singularity of the situation ended in granting of the boons as desired by Arjuna
and Bhishma - withdrawing from the sense as Arjuna prayed, and death of Bhishma.
Hence the belief that praying to this Mulavirat ensures certainty of fulfilling
of desires. And it proved true in almost all cases. hence the unending streams
of Bhaktas who surrender themselves at the sacrosanct feet of the Lord to guide
the chariot of their life sans pitfalls as it did in the case of Arjuna.