the other uniques the temple is deservedly famous, for the west Nada
deserves mention. On the right side of the west Gopuram there is a
hole and it has an exotic episode to narrate. It is supposed to
contain a venomous serpent inside, and one is afraid of taking oath
inserting finger into it. If he utters lies while the finger in the
hole, the serpent bites him and instant death follows.
So one is
mortally frightened to take oath at this place in this method. Liars
met with instantaneous deaths, hence the very mention of west Nada
of Chengannar strikes terror into the minds of liars. Its origin is
quite interesting-it appears once a fake Vishavaidya from Tamil Nadu
went there and boasted that none would beat him in curing snake
bites. Unfortunately a twelve year boy, the lone- survivor renowned
for Vishavaidhya heard it and reported it to his fond mother.