happened around 1811 A.D., when the temple was under the
administration of Tranvancore Maharaja. The person involved was a
European by name Col. Munro, who was affiliating as the Resident
Divan of Travancore. During his checking of this Temple accounts, he
laughed at the item of expenditure incurred on Triputtu - the pacificator bath ritual conducted monthly.
Deeming the monthly
bleeding of the metal idol was absurd, he cut out the provision
with his official pen - he scoffed at-the meaningless practice, but
the Goddess chuckling to here self, as it were, decided to make the
officer bite the dust for, on the same day, the Mother menstruated.
According to Munro's ruling ceremonies - rituals woe suspended.
Devout theists despaired. Priests cursed their fate under breath.
Mother then demonstrated her might. Her target, of course was the
Soon the officer's wife experienced excruciating pains due to
heavy bleeding, started on the day of suspending the centuries-old
practice. And his children too took ill. Attempts by doctors could
not .bring relief. He consulted. astrologists but learnt to his stupefaction
that it was due to his atheistic action - stopping of
Triputtu ceremony. Better counsel prevailed, and he ordered for its
resumption. Needless to prolong, there was instant stopping of the
bleeding of his wife. Children too become alright.