The Kovils Of Kerala
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Kindly remain here with us to bless always in our spiritual sadhanas". With a ready sweet smile, He sealed it with instant approval. Hence Lord Mahavishnu is abiding in his ethereal form blessing the asthikas in several ways. For a few more centuries this land thus consecreted by the Highest God was not inhabited, but people in their lacs preferred it for settlement after the installation of Bharata's image in the temple. It has a fascinating legend.

The story goes that once this area was ruled by a pious minded feudatory chief called Vakkey Kaimal. He was a devout adorer of Sri Mahavishnu, and led an austure life of adorable kind. One day, he had a strange dream - he was awakened by a mysterious person and hastened him to go to sea shore to find a rare treasure. On reaching the shore nearby, to his surprise, he found four idols of Sri Mahavishnu lying resplendent, conscreted by the bright rays of the rising sun. They were that of Srirama, Bharata, Lakshmana and Satruguna. Their size, sculpture, design set his heart dancing in an inexplicable joy of a sublime kind.

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About Kutalamanikyam
The Temple Complex...Pg.1
The Temple Complex...Pg.2
The Temple Complex...Pg.3
The Legend Of....
The Legends Of....
The Legend Garnering...Pg.1
The Legend Garnering....Pg.2
Lord Bharata
Pujas And Festivals
Brinjal Naivedyam...Pg.1
Brinjal Naivedyam...Pg.2