august deity liberated many upasakas as evidenced by the merging of one Zamorin
the Lord. The Zamorin prayed for Sayujyamukti; and it was granted anon. The Lord
has a soft corner for genuine devotees. He undergoes tortures and even forsakes
luxuries for their well being. Like kith and kin he observes mourning at the
death of the true bhaktas.
There is a practice prevalent even now that whenever
an elder Zamorin dies, it must be reported to the Lord. He observes mourning
with due rituals. Ah! what a kinship between the adorer and adored! The grateful
Bhaktas remember him on auspicious occasions and offer their mite.
The Mahrajas
of Travancore being devout bhaktas; offer an elephant to the Lord, whenever a
coronation for a new king is made, or on their visit to the temple. Should not royalty
pay obeisance to the sovereignty in the fittest manner? Moreover, in deserving
cases the Lord initiates the devotees into the mysteries of bhakti, and at times
tenders jnanopadesa to the meritorious.