Just think of the Lord of Mount Kailas, uttering either by the plain
disyllabic word like ISA, or by the pompus decasyllabic, like Anda Pinda
Brahmandadheeswara, there appears on the mental screen Lord Siva in his
simplest, serene form of a nomadic ascetic, semi-naked body, smeared all over
the chest with white ashes, head with matted-hair knotted on hands with Kapala
and trident, justifying as it were, the role of eternal sentinel of burial ground,
littered with burnt out faggots and broken pots etc. Ironically his whole frame
exudes such beatitude that he can fittingly be called Sadananda. Wherefrom does
this sublime simplicity arise? He is Niradambara, and Smasanavasi although
holding the most highest independent office like his two other counterparts
Brahma and Vishnu.