traditions are many and varied. They are not uniform, nor do they
change with the march of time. Most of them are inducted along with
the consecration of archamurthis by spiritual men of great fame.
Same are by the god men who visit and worship the deities with
special conventional practices. Acharyas and priests introduce
a few to effecting localization of the divinities and making the
temples more popular, and deities adorable.
theists who attain Sayujyaprapti - merging with gods, also leave
behind a few practices which become the much hallowed traditions in
course of time. Whoever might be the person, or whatever the
condition, or whenever commenced, they exert great impact on the
adorers and change their outlook; for, they are imbued with
divinity. The mysticism that embodies them impel instant veneration.
That mysticism as a matter of fact lives in them, nay lives by
of them are very queer and so mystify any reasoning, but viewed in
the light of the events from which they emanate, they become
acceptable and adorable, even though they are contrary to the
accepted conventions. Their queerness in course of time becomes the
principal reason of their attraction for visitation. And forms
unique feature exercising eternal fascination for regular visits and
devout prayers. Among many such traditions observed, the
Trichambaram Krishna temple has a few that are really exciting and