legend takes us back to the earliest times when primeval forests
enjoyed their heyday - everywhere tall green trees gave eternal
shade to the Mother Earth by the sumptuous growth of, thick foliage,
preventing even the penetration of a single ray of the Sun through
them. Then a renowned sage by name Sambara attracted by the
bounteous beauty of Nature and divinity of land, came here and did
penance for years, propitiating Mahavishnu.
God asked him to mention his desire, he simply uttered Sayujyamukti
- merging in God, and that alone releases man from the vicious
circle of births and deaths. Thoroughly pleased with the highest
evolution of his soul, God granted it anon. Though the sage attained
oneness with God, his ethereal presence was felt by people and they
were enjoying tranquility whenever they visited the spot, where the
temple stands now. Once when Parasurama visited this place, he had a
strange experience - he had a soul lifting vision of Lord Krishna
after Kamsavadha. It was quite exulting and enchanting, for Krishna
appeared in all his splendour after the Jagadoharanakarya killing of
dushta Rakshasa Kamsa.