What a sonorous name! How mellifluous are its syllables!! What an
enchantment its cats!!! Listen to the measured flow of its liquid
cadences. Don't they-resemble the basic sounds of musicology? Is it
not an ace composition? Further the repetition, higher the thrill,
the physical frame experiences. Now look at its distorted, twisted,
defiled, Anglicised form Trivandrum Oh! it assails the ear-drums
with the harsh clatter of a crashing tin, when tread upon. Anon the
hands go up unconsciously to close the ears. A standing proof of
foreign contact!
- the old name of Trivandrum, like a gold mine exhilirates the heart
and feasts the ears, at its mere mention. In the past or present.
Such is the sweet music of this holy city, the august seat of
Ananthapadmanabhaswamy. As is its melody, so is its glory. Nay, much
more. For theists, the temple is a heaven; Vaishnavates, a
Bhutalaswarga; the Maharajas of Travancore, the most venerated
private Puja Mandir cum durbar hall, presided over by Sri
Ananthapadmanabhaswamy to guiding their every movement, though
appears in yoganidra - deep sleep reclining on the thousand headed,
comfortably-coiled soft, supple fleecy lithesome body of Adisesha,
he is ever wakeful to the goings-on in and out of the palace.