It is a grand
structure built by the historically famous monarch by name Jayasingh. It is
situated beside the famous Mahakalalaya. There arc two sacred kunds called
Gomati Kund and Angapat for holy bath. There is an asram here where Srikrishna,
the eigth incarnation of Lord Mahavishnu and his elder brother Balarama along
with their close chum Sudhama studied and it is called the Sandipini. Along with
these, people miss not visiting the Batrihari cave lying at about 3 km from the
temple; Kalbader Mahal, at 6 km off; Kalabhairava shrine at 3 km distance;
Angapat Mandir at 2 km; Ganga ghat at 3 km, Triveni at 5 km, Chintamani Ganapath
at 5 km, Vedasala at 2 km and Ranjit Hanuman
at 3 km. As they are associated with the adorable divinities and historical
personages, they lure the visitors and theists alike.