It has a
famos Sankirthana Hall that narrates an exciting episode. Shivaji, on his visit
to this shrine once, participated in the Bhajan programme
led by Tukaram, who made the devotees obvious of this world with singing of his melodious
abhangas. Scenting Shivaji's presence, the army of the Muslim antagonists tried
to trap and carry him as captive. Will Vittal the bhaktaparadheena ever allow
such disaster occur in HIS presence? And to devotees lost in ecstatic singing at
it? So he contrived a means of driving the Mlechchas out of the campus. Donning
himself in the dress of Shivaji, Lord Vittal staged a mock escape from the
temple through the main gate. The soldiers followed and gave a hot chase, but
how far? The Omniscient God disappeared in he midst of thick forest, which the
solders went back crest fallen. The trusted will never be left in the apron.