Contradictions or no contradictions; agreement reached or not; verdict
passed gains credibility or not; posterity either accept or does not; it is as true
as history that Bhimashankar has been abiding at Bhimashankar for centuries,
though puranas are at variance with regard to its location and time. And
interpreter dangling in the air lean on the right side for some time and jump to
the other, when a wisp of fresh air giving a jolt, tilts their equilibrium. If the
products of the antarchakshu of the master minds differ and err, where can
truth be found? When can it gain validity? Who will establish it? Discussions or
dissertations in matters of spirit cannot, do not and shall not concretize the
abstract truth, nor do they point to the, goal, all they did is to keep the abstract
as abstract in diction mystifying and logic misleading Spirit can never be put
into test tubes, nor religion allow distillation. Belief gives relief, and implicit
faith ensures bliss. however imperceptible it may be. Does not divinity like the
mirage always elude? Can anyone touch the far end of the rainbow? Is it
possible to catch the wind in a cabbage net?