Slackness has no
place in the general scheme of work, nor does it bring honour to any calling, or
one employed for it; it commands neither respect nor enjoys security. He who is
a slave to slothfulness slowly drifts towards condemnable dereliction of duty,
which tantamount to irreverence both to the dignity of the work, or honour to
the individual engaged in. Indifference, say due to constitutional debility of
nature temporary or of permanent even should not be allowed to entering into
work; for work is worship. Each piece of work is divine and dignified, whether
it is by nature tedious and exacting, or thrilling and entertaining, one has to
perform it with sincerity and develop deep love for labour, only then the
supreme Providence, who is a stickler for perfection pleases immensely and
bestows boons infinitely to the point of satiety. Along with the theists,
iconoclasts too are rewarded, rather held in high esteem by the Almighty, if
they are sincere and tenacious throughout, and stick on to their ideals. And
true to themselves; for, they being perverted start from the wrong point, or
move backwards, due to conceit rising from ignorance and predominance of 'I'
sense in them.