grief was mounting higher and higher day by day. Then appeared Narada on the
scene and promised them to solve that by some device. He went to Lanka when
Ravana was worrying and brooding over his failure to get Atmalinga and advised
him to shake the Kailas with his physical prowess to draw the attention of the
Lord for further help in his efforts. Ravana relying on his physical
might and the newly acquired invincibility went to Kailas and lifting it high,
shook with all his strength. It caused jerks on the top, and Mother Parvathi was
perturbed much. She blamed her Lord for bestowing boons on the undeserving
demon. Incensed Maheswar cursing him squarely then said that he would meet his
death at the hands of nara - man. And his conceit would be humbled, when his
whole race meet destruction. Unable to see adding fuel to the fire further, he
returned home and consoled himself somehow.