Toleration sprouts from the fertile soil of evolved soul and breeds catholicity first and last. Though toleration prefers total effacement for the
benefit of others, moderation if accommodated, there prevails mutual regard that
allows amical existence of both, ensuring thereby all round harmony, congenial
for the progress of humanity in its entirety. Sure the vitality of catholicity
inaugurates an era of castless, classless, sectless, gradeless, greedless society
making the creator stupified at the glory of his own product, which in all
probability closes down the office of Yama, as Chitragupta could only submit
the Doomsday book completely blank. This is neither a wild phantasy, nor a
streak of lunacy, but a stark reality, if at all catholicity is given free hand to
play and allowed full sway over its dominion. The Eden then goes without
Satan, nor Adam finds any cause to mouron over the misery of his progeny.