There is one and only one thing in the world that is rated higher, proved
mightier, held holier, deemed superior, and loved dearer than everything and
anyone else, say parents- instrumental for the birth; Guru-for opening the eyes to
the realities of the world around; friends-for standing behind sans self through
thick and thin of life; wife-the Sahadharmacharini - bonafide partner for sharing
joys and sorrows in life; God-for creating everything out of His sweet will and
abundant love, for peaceful and honourable existence and so on and so forth. Its
potentialities are varied; life, eternal; faculty-capable of exceeding that of
Brihaspathi; strength, making Ghatockacha bend his head; charms, far surpassing
the celestial nymphs; tongue, splitting hair into million stands; sports, encircling
the entire gamut of life from womb to tomb; sight, changing Jawan into Diwan
and vise versa; and capacity, inexhaustibly invincible, inestimably incomparable
etc., etc., etc.