it has carved out an eminent niche in the temple that Bharat Khanda is, many
immortal works embody a vast corpus of information that highlight its origin, deities,
rulers, bhaktas and the like. Among them, Karvir Mahatmya, Kolhapur Mahatmya, Devibhagavata;
Matsya, Padma Markandeya and Brahmanda Puranas and the Mahabharat. Harivamsa
deserve special mention. They embody many outstanding episodes and illustrate
its glory in full. Sonic Jain scriptures, like Brihatkatha Kosha also embody
certain episodes dealing with the greatness of this place. Besides, the archives
furnish several facts with dates, like the endowments made by the rulers and the
philanthropists. Patience and labour yield much more invaluable information fit
for several doctoral theses, since certain parts of the temples - Hindu, Jain
and Buddhists are lying hidden due to convulsions in the earth that occurred in
the past.