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Temples Of India



The story would be incomplete and the visit ineffective, if the significance and the origin of Ganesh Sampradaya is not known. The glory of Ganesh, the place he occupied in the Hindu Pantheon and the miracles he had demonstrated are all effectively propagated by many ardent devotees since the beginning, and particularly from the I3th century onwards. Among them, Moraya Gosavi and Ganesh Yogindra top the list. Both of them received abundant anugrah of Mayureswar and spread the Ganesh cult to the four corners of India. Gosavi was born with the blessings of the Lord to a certain Karnataka devotee. He wits given life by a Sanyasin, when bitten by a cobra, and when initiated into Ganeshopasana by the same Sanyasin, he started his mission, and on securing the image of Ganesh in Amkush thirtha, he established it at Chinchwad in an impressive shrine. This one became the principal Mutt for the propagation of Ganesh cult. The other was Ganesh Yogindra supposed to have lived for two hundred years. Many peshwas accepted him as Guru and held him in high esteem on recognizing his soul power. His yatras across the country and austere life were models to novices. And he authored many works, like Ganesh Vijaya, besides editing and interpreting literature pertaining to Ganesh cult. He was a powerful artist, moreover. It is said that Lord Mayureswar himself served him in the form of a brahmin in procuring material for his writings. His contribution to this Sampradaya is monumental and his work Ganesh Vijaya brings out all that is to be learnt about the cult. His writings emphasize and justify the truth that Ganesh destroys all the indwelling demons, like Matsarasura - rivalry; Dhambhasura - arrogance; Madhyasura - intoxication; Mohasur infatuation; Lobhasur - greed; Krodhasur - anger; Kamasur - lust and Mamasur - selfishness. His dedication to the propagation of his cult worked miracles and converted atheists and theists. Hence he is buried in the campus itself and the cell he lived during his life are now star attractions for Ganeshopakas. Visitor miss not these two places of worship.

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About Lord Mayureswar Of Morgaon
Sources & Antiquity.Pg1
The Historicity
The Temple.Pg1
The Temple.Pg2
The Archamurthi
You are Here! Ganesh Sampradaya
Poojas And Festivals