story begins with one by Chakrapani, the ruler of this region with Gandaki as
his capital. He was a virtuous ruler, yet had a big problem that gnawed at the
vitals of his life. He had no issues. He did penance with his wife Ugra,
propitiating Surya Bhagavan. Lord Surya blessed him with the desired. When Ugra
felt the weight of the embryo too powerful to bear in her womb, she let it fall
in the sea. The sea pitying her, assumed the form of a brahmin and looked after
it till it changed itself into a boy. Later he presented the boy to Chakrapani -
the legal owner narrating the story. In memory of the great deed, the boy was
named Sindhu. On coming of age, Sindhu did penance standing on one foot for over
two thousand years propitiating Lord Surya. Pleased with austure tapas, he
blessed Sindhu with all the boons including the Amaradhipatya except that of
keeping of Amrit with him always - his chief ambition, adding that the Amrit
would be with him as long as the container kept with him always and he would be
dead, if he were to be deprived of it. It delighted everybody. The parents
enthroned Sindhu as the king and left for Vanaprasthasram.
was the opportune time for him to conquer the worlds and establish his absolute
power all over including heaven. Assisted by like minds and soldiers as hard as
stones, he achieved his object of
his paramountcy even over the Amaravathi, the capital of Devendra. All the gods
including Brahma and Vishnu were imprisoned and then he unleashed his reign of
terror. As ruthless dictatorship enjoyed its heyday, there was general suffering
to all, and to the righteous it was unbearable.