The Mandirs Of   Maharastra
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Set amidst serene, colourful surroundings, this small but significant hamlet shot up into political firmament in 1930, when Bapu, Father of the Nation chose it as his abode to carrying on the nation-building activities, after the Salt Satyagraha Movement. His firm resolve of not moving out of this, until the aliens-were packed off from this soil was welcomed by patriots, particularly that of Sait Jamanlal Bajaj, a thriving cotton merchant of Wardha. Hailing the decision lustily, he invited and provided him all the necessaries for comfortable stay. Wardha became Sewagram-village of service after embarking upon, and successful completion of several social reforms, like eradication of untouchability etc. Later, it metamorphosed into the supreme head-quarters of the freedom struggle. Many international luminaries visited and lived with Bapu sharing the joys of humble living, plain thinking, truth speaking etc.


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