And now that the target is hit - the Kshetra Darsana Mahayagna - making a pious
parikramana of Hindu India, starting from Somanath and ending with Trayambak, with a coverage 101
premier mokshapuris of eternal importance is over, let us sit for a while for retrospection before slipping
into slothful complacency. Devoting a few minutes to striking the balance sheet certainly rewards the
labour, besides paving the way for dignified living, ready to profer counsels than receiving. When we
commence the act of reminiscence, beginning with a survey of the area traversed from one corner to
another, there parades before our mental eye an unending series of magnificent breath-taking spectacles
of Nature's beauty interspersed with man-made structures; rising as it were, from the bosom of Mother
Earth to serve a royal banquet to the eyes. Tarry a while before hurrying; for, that very remembrance passes
inexplicable thrills, manifesting themselves in gleaming of eyes; fluttering of frame; smiling of lips and
emptying of emotions with ejaculation - Ah! Life achieved its Paramartha .... birth became
True it is Cent percent too. Neither it stands second opinion, nor modification. Listen why'?