Let me record
here a few that shocked and pricked me by their venomous tinge; and a few more that thrilled and lulled me with their pompous phraseology
and sonorous out-pourings. I list down first the caustic ones that shocked me a
little. Are you working on a thesis? Why this bombast in guide books for pilgrims? ...
Aren't you displaying your half baked philosophy? ... Who reads, or needs those elaborate accounts of gods and goddesses? ...
Would they boost you image?
you think, anyone dares throwing a second glance at them? ... They are tedious and monotonous. So on and so forth.
These insinuations were heard and read
without perturbation. But when some malicious green-eyed monsters going higher
and dropped down Atom bomb - stop writing such rot, I began explaining, but they
have neither time, nor culture to hear other man's views" Did I regret? or
stop producing? No certainly not. Their immaturity and causeless malignity were
received and kept locked up, lest their purtid smell vitiate the atmosphere.
Coming to the appreciation, I feel, less said more good for me; for, some of the
opinions perching me atop the Everest deified me.