Many are the ways suggested and varied are the practices prescribed for this. Among them
performing thirthayatra occupies a covetable place. Mahatmas, including avatarapurushas did this and
bid mankind to undertake it without exception on any count; for, this holy ritual presents to the
yatri-pilgrim an opportunity to witness the glorious spectacles of the Nature's bounteous beauty that remind
him of the divine spirit running through all the objects of Nature and man enabling them live in
harmony. And that harmony ultimately ends in establishing communion with God, the Almighty. In fine,
he becomes a pantheist and begins seeing God in everything and adoring it with greater zeal.
a sequel,
he practices to live in peace with Nature around, and be at peace with inside, in course of time. Can we
forget the immediate advantages of meeting an infinite variety of people with a wide range of varied and
distinct cultures, manifested in dress, customs, languages, traditions et cetera
et cetera and et cetera that
cleanse him admirably? To his own bewilderment. as a matter of fact. Read 'Yatra and its
Paramartha in
the Abodes of Gods Series No.1, pp.13-22 for more information.