Importantly, I did all single-handed in great haste - used to complete the
writing part of each book in less than a month, inclusive of supervising the
typing, proof-reading etc. Hence the commissions galore. I chant and practise 'prapathi' slogan before anyone that rises his gun to hit this target.
Reading with care and pondering over deeply certainly obviate the difficulty and
makes comprehension easy, that alone I could advocate to them with all humility
due, and assure of their non-recurrence in future.
photos - securing of photos for better visual appeal, and procuring of books for
source material posed many problems; for, I do not commence working on any write
up without seeing personally the places I write upon, and listening to accounts
I narrated by the competent authorities. Out of the 101 kshetras included, about
half a dozen or more are not visited by me. This incidentally is another factor
that contributed to elaboration of certain items which the busy - bees liked,
but the lotus-eaters shrieked at their size.