wedding of Parvathi and Parameswar is the principal cause of
Agasthya's advent to Sonadri, an integral part of Sahyadri range of
mountains. Lord Parameswar felt elated at the sight of the entire
Devaganas - Mukkotidevatas at Kailas visited in response to the
imitation on his wedding day, but found to his dismay, the southern
part of earth was rising and slowly tilting towards the North due to
the weight of such huge congregation at one time.
sure the South would be lifted aloft resulting in a great
catastrophe soon. To avoid that disaster, he solicited the
celebrated sage Agasthya to go to South and stay there for
maintaining the equilibrium of the raising earth; for, he knew
Agasthya's soul force and that could alone accomplish anything.
Finding Agasthya's discontent at missing the auspicious celestial
wedding, he promised to meet him with his consort in his hermitage
itself after the marriage, besides bestowing the gift of divine
sight to see everything from his own scat itself.