Bhagawati then demonstrated her sport. Her target, of course, was
the alien. Soon the officer's wife experienced excruciating pains
due to heavy bleeding, started on the very same day of stopping the
centuries-old practice. And his children too took ill. Attempts by
doctors could not bring relief. Best and experienced in the field
withdrew from the scene. He consulted astrologists, but learnt to
his stupifaction that it was due to his atheistic action
- stopping of Triputtu ceremony.
exhorted him to retract for his welfare. Better counsel prevailed
and after persuasion he ordered for its resumption with immediate
effect. There was general rejoicing in the theist circle. Old order
got itself resuscitated. Needless to prolong, there was instant
stopping of the bleeding of his wife. Children too become alright in
hours. The penitent officer at once decided to donate a sum of Rs.
700/- the actual amount spent usually for it even year from his own
savings. Pride paid its due and arrogance bore scars of stigma. And
it is said that it is being received from his successors even today.
Indeed a great punishment! Better atonement!! Best historic proof!!!
Although it is a great lesson for meddlesomeness, egoism eras not
completely curbed.