from the Tomb:
the most memorable episodes that occurred during the Acharya's
Paryatanas, the one that took place at Krishnapuram, near Hubli
deserves propagation. It is imbued with such mysticism that he was
elevated to god-head and worshipped by a Muslim ruler, besides
giving away two villages to the Mutt on the spot along with many
valuables. It happened - while returning home from the northern
part, he chanced to break journey for rest in a beautiful garden at
Krishnapuram, near Hubli. While the party was busy with preparations
for puja and food, the Acharya was resting for a while under the
shade of a tree. There came then the Nawab of the region with a
sorrow-laden face, on learning about the glory of the Acharya and
his miracles. He was thoroughly convinced that the Acharya alone
could row him across the sea. So he met him and opened his heart. He
narrated that his only son died the previous day bitten by a cobra;
the family did not recover from the shock and the mother was still
lying unconscious. Their mental anguish and physical misery defy
description. The Acharya asked for the dead body of the victim to be
brought, but the Nawab told that it was interred already and a tomb
was also built. At once, the Acharya ordered for digging and
bringing the corpse from the tomb without delay any more. The Nawab
was perplexed, but obeyed the injunction.